
The medical trials of Ruffles Part One:

She would make a lovely therapy dog, but she is untrained. They bring them into hospitals and nursing homes. She was named for a shop in the North where my mother used to go on holiday. Ruffles, a black and white collie-springer cross. She has a loving soul. She is twelve. When she was eleven she nearly died. She suddenly started throwing up all over the house. Mom rang the vets, who told her to bring her in straightaway. She was to be kept in overnight.

I found out about it remotely, from where I was in my flat. I prayed the Rosary. I made up a little song and communicated it to her telepathically. I would not see her until the morrow. It was a refrain, “I love you,” repeated over and over. Just three notes. I prayed, again. There had been slight blue casts in her eyes for a couple of years, since she had started to get older. I could see them when they caught the sun.

Next day I accompanied my mother to the vet. Acute kidney failure. Suspect Lepto. Nothing could be done, but the kind lady vet flushed her kidneys. With readings like that, they do not recover. Do you see how the whites of her eyes are red? The dog panted hard. Take her home for the weekend, spoil her. I expect to see her on Monday. But if you should need to bring her in sooner, I am on the telephone.

A friend sent Reiki healing. This little dog touched several people. She lay on the sofa with her red eyes, and panting. She would not eat or drink. We felt that she may expire before morning. However next morning she wanted a drink of water, and then she wanted to come on a little walk. Then we tried her with a few nuts. Within a week or two she was as bright as a button. We took her to the vet then for a verdict: a surprise recovery.

Well we prayed, said mom. I flushed out her kidneys, said the vet.

The medical trials of Ruffles Part Two:

In her first year Ruffles had her first brush. She was hit by a van on Christmas Eve. Mom saw it happen. The young man was apologetic. She had just run out. Mom brought her to the vets in town. Her pelvis was broken in three places. She had a few days in animal hospital. We went to visit her on St Stephen’s Day. When she saw us, in her efforts to reach for us she fell out of the opened cage. We caressed her and told her we loved her. She came home with a big wire cage rented from the vet. She lived in it in the utility room for a few weeks. Initially she had a plastic collar. It reminded me of the Famous Five adventure where Timmy had a big collar. We made a wheelbarrow of her and a towel to get her outside when needed. The towel held up her back legs and she could still use her front ones.

We knew she was better the first day she launched herself at the settee and managed to get on. Now that she is twelve she does not always manage it first time. One two three we say. Onetwothree. They said that she would get arthritis eventually as a result of the breaks in her chassis.

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